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Leaves, Fringe Benefits and Salary Payment


Annual Paid Leaves

The basic principle in the use of leave is to ensure that academic staff members take the leave they deserve, as much as possible, within the relevant year and mostly during the academic breaks, without hindering the work flow.

In accordance with the provisions of the Labor Law, for the academic staff who have completed 1 working year at the University, including the probationary period;

  • 14 working days for those who have completed 1-5 years (including 5 years),
  • 20 working days for those who have completed 6-15 years,
  • Those who are 16 years or more are given 26 working days of annual paid leave.

Since Saturday is considered a working day according to the Labor Law, Saturday is also included in the calculation of the above-mentioned periods.

The academic staff who will request annual leave creates the "Annual Leave Form" on the system at the latest 1 week before, submits it to the approval of the relevant faculty dean, and sends it to the faculty secretary after the approval process is completed. The permission form is sent to the Human Resources Department by the faculty secretary.

Summoning from Annual Paid Leave

The relevant senior manager may call the academic staff member on leave when necessary. If the employee is in a place other than his/her place of duty, the return fee is paid by the University.

Public Holidays

Academic staff cannot be employed on public holidays specified in the law. However, when deemed necessary, it can be employed on public holidays by providing its legal rights.

Excuse Permit

Upon the request of the academic staff, hourly and daily leave not exceeding 3 working days in a year can be given by filling the "Excuse Leave Form" with the permission of a senior manager. In our university, excused leaves can be used in the following cases within the framework of the provisions of the Labor Law;

  • 5 (five) working days if the person gets married,
  • 3 (three) working days in case of death of first degree relative (mother, father, spouse, child, sibling) of the personnel,
  • 3 (three) working days if your child gets married,
  • In case of a male employee having a child, paternity leave is granted for 5 (five) working days.

Sick Leave

If the academic staff cannot work due to an illness or injury and cannot come to work for a maximum of one week, short-term sick leave is applied. If the staff cannot come to work for a period of 1 week to 3 months due to illness or injury, long-term sick leave is applied. In case of illness, 1 day of administrative leave is taken by notifying the relevant dean or department head/director. For diseases lasting longer than two days, it is necessary to obtain an incapacity certificate from state hospitals or private hospitals. The relevant dean or department head/director may request that the report received from the private hospital be approved by the public hospital or doctor. Reports and medical documents received in case of short or long-term illness must be submitted to the University within 3 working days from the end date of the report. In case of short-term illness, if a report is not submitted to the University within 3 working days, the days when the personnel does not come to work are considered as unpaid leave. In case of long-term illness, failure to obtain the required report and medical documents may be grounds for termination. Academic personnel who receive a certificate of incapacity for work are not paid for the days they cannot come to work, the academic staff receives temporary incapacity allowance from SGK for the relevant dates.

Maternity Leave

Academic personnel who have given birth are given maternity leave for 8 weeks before the birth and 8 weeks after the birth from the date specified in the birth certificate, provided that the report they receive from a state hospital before the birth is adhered to. In case of multiple pregnancy, two more weeks is added to the period of not working before delivery. However, with the doctor's approval, if the health condition is appropriate, the staff may continue to work up to three weeks before the birth. In this case, the hours worked are added to the postpartum times. The foreseen periods can be increased with a doctor's report, if necessary, depending on the health status of the personnel. During pregnancy, academic staff are given paid leave for periodic check-ups. A person can take unpaid leave for up to six months following maternity leave. During the maternity leave, the personnel receives temporary incapacity allowance from SGK.

Breast-Feeding Permission

When the mother starts work after the birth, 1.5 hours of breastfeeding leave is given a day until the child is 12 months old. The staff determines by which hours and by how many divisions this time will be used, in a way that does not disrupt the course load.


Provided that it is based on valid reasons, academic staff can be given unpaid leave with the approval of the Rector and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. During the unpaid leave, financial rights such as wages and bonuses and promotion periods do not run.


Private Health Insurance

University academic staff can benefit from Acıbadem Group Health Insurance for themselves and their relatives, provided that they pay the required contribution fees. For information on the subject: Human Resources Department

Identifying Relatives of Personnel

The academic staff and students of the university can benefit from discounts at all hospitals of Acıbadem Healthcare Group for themselves and their relatives. Relatives must be defined via the smartport.

Salary Advances

University academic staff have to submit their salary advance requests in writing to the Human Resources Department by the 20th of the month at the latest. Based on the request, maximum 25% of the salary is paid in advance on the 20th of the relevant month.

Travel Advances

All kinds of expenses related to domestic and international travels, representation and hospitality expenses of the university academic staff due to their duties are paid to the relevant personnel before the travel within the limits determined by the Board of Trustees.

Social Security

University academic staff employees are employed under the Social Security Law. Benefit from all kinds of rights provided by this law.


Lunch is provided to university academic staff. In addition, in cases where it is necessary to work in the evening, it can also benefit from the dinner service.


A transportation service is provided to university academic staff.

Salary Payment

The academic staff salaries of our university are determined separately for each individual and specified in the contracts, taking into account the individual's area of expertise, academic title, achievements, experience, academic market conditions, their position at the University and the criteria determined by YÖK. The fees specified in the contract are arranged according to the procedures determined by the Board of Trustees.

The wages of the personnel earned for working are paid on the 5th of each month, gross monthly. Wage reviews are made once a year in January, based on the gross salary at the rates determined as a result of the evaluations made considering the economic conditions of the day.