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Students newly enrolled in programs where the medium of instruction is 100% English must achieve a minimum score of 70 on the English Placement Exam (ACUPEP APPT) administered at the beginning of the academic year to be exempt from the English Preparatory Program. Subsequently, they are required to score at least 70 in both the English writing and speaking exams. The Placement Exam is multiple-choice; the Writing exam involves an "Opinion Essay," and the final stage, the Speaking exam, is conducted in a monologue format.

The ACEPT exam, taken at the end of the term/year by students who have undergone training in the English Preparatory Program, is a proficiency test and differs from the ACUPEP APPT exam. For mock  ACEPT exam, click here.

Additionally, students enrolled in programs where the medium of instruction is 100% English can obtain exemption from the English Preparatory Program if they achieve valid scores in an equivalent exam recognized by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and the University Senate. According to YÖK regulations, it is mandatory to take equivalent language exams at state institutions.

Exams recognized by the University Senate, other than ACUPEP APPT, include:

YDS / e-YDS *855 years
PEARSON PTE Academic672 years
TOEFL-IBT**80 (Test) / 20 TWE2 years
CAEC3 years

* Students who score 85 or above on the YDS and/or e-YDS exams must also take the APPT/ACEPT speaking and writing exams and achieve at least 70 in each to be exempt from the English Preparatory Program. 

** Institutional TOEFL exam results are not accepted.

*** Only TOEFL-IBT, PTE, and CAE results obtained from exam centers at Turkish state universities are valid.

**** Students who take the TOEFL-IBT exam abroad and score 80 or above must also take the APPT/ACEPT speaking and writing exams administered by the Department of Foreign Languages, English Preparatory Program, and achieve at least 70 in each for their exam results to be accepted.

***** During registration, TOEFL IBT documents submitted to the university or sent directly to the English Preparatory Program must include Acıbadem University's institution code, C173. Documents without this code will not be accepted; additional score reports can be requested from the TOEFL center using the Score Report Request Form.

For more detailed information on exemption from the English Preparatory Program, please follow the link: