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MBG-031 Internship Documents and Directive

The internship that is appropriate for the scope of MBG-031 Summer Research course, must be carried out in the fields such as life sciences, medical biotechnology and bioengineering. The methods employed during the internship should be wet-lab methods and/or in-silico methods for biological research.

The instructions can be found at the beginning of the internship notebook.

Students should download the documents below and follow the instructions respectively:

1. Internship application form should be filled out properly and should be submitted to internship commission to obtain approval before the beginning of the internship. Internship application form should be in English.

2. The internship notebook must be downloaded and filled out according to the instructions, signed by the internship supervisor, and submitted to the internship commission within the second week of the fall semester at the latest.

3. The internship assessment form should be downloaded and delivered to your internship supervisor at the place of internship.The internship assessment form should be filled out by your internship supervisor. It must be received in a sealed envelope and delivered to the commission together with the internship notebook. The internship assessment form should be in English. If the internship evaluation form cannot be filled out in English, you should contact with the internship commission.

Important points: 

Please be sure to inform the responsible person at the place of your internship( Internship supervisor). Inform your internship supervisor that your internship is not compulsory, but it is done within the scope of a course, and that you will take-out the internship notebook and submit it to us.

In accordance with the instructions in the internship book, you can observe your internship for a maximum of 3 days, which will last 20 working days in total. You must share the results of your on hand experiments/analysis in detail within the remaining 17 working days.