Date: 2-3 September 2024
Venue: Istanbul Acibadem University
Scientific Committee: Augusto Vitale, Nikos Kotsomitsopoulos, Yesim Isil Ulman
Dear Interested Applicants, Dear COST Action IMPROVE Members,
The Ethics Crossover Group of the COST Action IMPROVE is pleased to announce a two-day workshop on the ethical issues related to animal research in Acibadem University Istanbul on 2-3 September 2024.
Aim of the Workshop: The aim of the Workshop is to discuss whether the use of animals can be morally and ethically permissible, and if or only when the study is scientifically structured on a sound and robust basis, and it complies with the 3Rs Principle (Replace, Reduce, Refine). The main objective of the Workshop is to reflect on the ethical dimension of animal experiments, in the age of emerging sciences, new awareness on animal welfare and in the perspective of New Approach Methodologies.
Venue: the workshop will be held in Istanbul Acibadem University, on the 2nd and 3rd of September, 2024.
The Workshop programme will cover three invited speakers, together with discussion groups and panel gatherings, in order to encourage and facilitate brainstorming and interactions among the participants.
Type: The workshop will be in hybrid form and open to everyone. Travel and daily allowance, including key note speakers and co-chairs will be funded by the Cost Action IMPROVE according to EU-COST rules. The participants covered by the COST Action IMPROVE will be selected by the Scientific Committee of the Istanbul Workshop, based on the submitted application form. For those who will virtually participate, they will have access only to the keynote lectures and the outcomes presentations from the discussion groups.
We look forward to welcoming you in Istanbul in anticipation of an inspiring get-together and thought- provoking discussions.
Kind regards,
Yesim Isil Ulman (yesimul@yahoo.com), Augusto Vitale (augusto.vitale@iss.it)
Co-Chairs of Ethics Cross Over Group of COST Action IMPROVE
Monday, September the 2nd
8.30-9.30 Registration, Opening welcome, Presentation of the workshop, Formation of discussion groups
Opening Welcome: Yesim Isil Ulman, PhD and Augusto Vitale, PhD. (Co-chairs of the Workshop)
9.30-10.15 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Simone Pollo, “Does moral reflection improve the quality of biomedical research?"
10.15-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-11.45 Work of discussion groups
11.45-12.30 Outcomes presentations from the discussion groups
12.30-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.30 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Nikos Kostomitsopoulos, “Ethical dilemmas in the use of animals
as human organ donors”
14.30-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-16.00 Work of discussion groups
16.00-16.45 Outcomes presentations from the discussion groups
Tuesday, September the 3rd
9.00-9.45 Keynote Lecture: Dr. Aurelie Thomas, “Making NAMs (New Approach Methodologies), the ethical solution to animal use”
9.45-10.15 Coffee break
10.15-11.45 Work of discussion groups
11.45-12.30 Outcomes presentations from the discussion groups
12.30-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.30 Presentations from local officials
14.30-Visit of the Acibadem Univ. Experimental Animals Application and Research Center