Dr. Sinasi Can Medical Ethics Days Symposium 2 was held at Kadıköy Acibadem Hospital on December 9, 2023, with the theme of Assisted Reproductive Treatment Techniques and Ethics. By his keynote on "Philosophy, Ethics and Reproductive Technologies", Bioethicst Dr. Muhtar Çokar M.D. elucidated ethical values, ethical decision-making method and ethical reasoning in exemplification with ethical issues at the beginning of life. In her speech titled "Reproductive Rights and Legal Problems".Lawyer Ms. Habibe Yılmaz Kayar discussed legal experiences on assisted reproductive technologies, infertility and termination of pregnancy in terms of local and international law. Prof. Dr. Hikmet Hassa spoke on “IVF and Ethics”; Nurse Hatice Özkan gave a talk on “Legal Situation in Assisted Reproductive Techniques-Ethical Issues and Nursing Approach”; Sociologist Dr. Melike Şahinol gave a speech titled "Health Technology Assessment and Responsible Research and Innovation: Reproductive Health in Turkey". The symposium closed to meet again next year in memory of Opr. Dr. Sinasi Can, the late chief physicianof Acibadem Kadıkoy Hospital and also the former president of Acibadem Hospitals Ethics Committee.
News Date: 20/12/2023
Last update date: 14/02/2024