Our university recently hosted the "Familial Multiple Sclerosis Workshop", organized by Prof. Eda Tahir Turanlı, head of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department at our Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, and Prof. Aksel Siva, a faculty member of the Department of Internal Medicine at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. The workshop aimed to inform attendees about the research conducted so far on Multiple Sclerosis and families and to determine a new roadmap together.
The workshop began with opening remarks from Vice Rector Prof. Güldal Süyen and covered topics including "Clinical Approach", "Genetic Approach", "Genetic Burden Research in Familial MS", "New Candidate Genes", and "Familial Cases of Groups". Attendees included clinicians, academics, and students working on MS.
Throughout the interactive workshop, participants shared current information and studies and engaged in a question-answer session at the end. Overall, it was a productive and informative event for all involved.
News Date: 09/05/2023
Last update date: 22/06/2023