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Nursing Department Student Workshop III

The Student Workshop III, organized by the Social and Scientific Activities Committee of Acıbadem University’s Nursing Department, was held on May 27, 2024. The workshop focused on proposals regarding Ethical Principles in Education, Training, and Practice, along with the accompanying ethical issues and their solutions. The sub-theme groups of the workshop consisted of heterogeneous working teams, including volunteer students from all grade levels in Turkish and English programs. Faculty members were paired with each team to provide guidance.

Under the moderation of Assoc. Prof. Bahire Ulus and Lecturer Esra Sezer (PhD) from the Nursing Department, students delivered presentations on topics such as: “Building Respect in the Nursing Profession from the Student's Perspective: Ethical Principles and Professional Behaviors,” “Positive Ethical Climate in the Classroom: Equitable Distribution of Learning Opportunities with the Principle of Equality and Justice,” “Maintaining and Strengthening Trust in Student-Faculty Relationships,” “Protecting Patient Rights in Clinical Practices,” “Positive Ethical Climate in Clinical Practices,” “Collaboration and Communication with Health Team Members,” “Use of Technology in Educational Processes: Artificial Intelligence and Other Applications,” and “Use of Social Media in Educational and Clinical Settings.”

The event was interactive, with questions answered after each presentation. The workshop concluded with a closing speech by Assoc. Prof. Bahire Ulus, the Chair of the Social and Scientific Activities Committee.

News Date: 31/05/2024

Last update date: 23/07/2024