On April 17, 2023, the Vocational School of Health Services Medical Documentation and Secretaryship Program organized an event called "The Place of the School Secretary in the University Hierarchy" to highlight the importance of this role. The guest speaker at the event was our school's secretary, Ilknur Senturk, who spoke about several topics related to the School secretary's position and responsibilities, including "Criteria for the School Secretary" and "University Organizational Chart".
During the event, Senturk shared her experience and insights with the attendees, particularly those students who are interested in pursuing a career in this field. She also answered their questions and provided advice on what they should focus on in order to succeed as School secretaries. Overall, the event was a great opportunity for our community to learn more about this important role in the university hierarchy.
News Date: 09/05/2023
Last update date: 22/06/2023