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Presentation on European Union and Open Access Publishing Processes

As part of Acibadem University's GEMSTONE Project, Ayca Aydemir Mazlumoglu, Director of Library and Electronic Resources at Acıbadem University, delivered a comprehensive presentation on Open Access, European Union regulations, and the processes involved in Open Access publishing. Held on March 12, 2024, the event covered topics such as the definition and importance of Open Access, the impact of its implementation in Turkey, and global developments. The presentation examined Open Access practices in Turkey, reflections of global trends, European Union Open Access policies, and publishing processes. Additionally, topics like transformative agreements in libraries, the Open Access requirements of the Horizon Europe Program, and FAIR principles were discussed. The event concluded with a Q&A session, attended by 46 participants.

News Date: 29/03/2024

Last update date: 06/06/2024