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Concert of Turkish Music with Symphony Orchestra by Our Faculty Member Prof. Ali Rıza Kural

Prof. Ali Riza Kural, a faculty member of the Department of Urology at our University's Faculty of Medicine, met with music lovers on Friday, March 1, 2024, at Maslak TIM Show Center in his capacity as an artist.

Prof. Kural, who has been awarded the "LifeTIMe Honorary Membership Award" for practicing World Endourology (surgeries performed without making any cuts, only by entering the body through a small one-cenTIMeter hole), performed at the concert under the direction of conductor Nesrin Bayramoglulari. Accompanied by the İstanbul Symphony Orchestra and Turkish Music Artists, he performed selected pieces from our music's distinguished repertoire as a soloist, delivering beautiful songs throughout the evening.

Prof. Ali Riza Kural, who donated all proceeds from the concert to the Acibadem University Student Education Fund, expressed his gratitude to the music enthusiasts, saying, "Your presence here tonight is very important; you have made a significant contribution to the Acibadem University Student Education Fund, and on behalf of my university, İ thank you very much." The concert hall, with its 1900 seats, was completely filled, and at the end of the concert, the audience gave standing ovations to the artist Prof.Ali Riza Kural.

Prof. Kural began his musical journey by taking lessons in music, mandolin, and violin. İn 1968, he enrolled at İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine. During this TIMe, he also took Turkish Music lessons from Arif Sami Toker. Subsequently, he continued his music education with the Rumeli Turks Association Choir conducted by the late Rustu Eric, the İstanbul University Turkish Music Choir conducted by Suheyla Altmisdort, and the İstanbul Municipal Conservatory Turkish Music Department. He briefly served as a trainee chorister in the İstanbul Municipal Conservatory Performance Team under the direction of Munir Nureddin Selcuk before joining the Classical Turkish Music Choir established under the direction of Prof.Nevzad Atlig by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. İn 1974, Ali Riza Kural began his specialization in the Department of Urology at İstanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine. He became an Associate Professor in 1985 and a Professor in 1995. Throughout his career, he continued his musical endeavors as the Conductor of the Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine Student Choir, as an exceptional contract soloist for TRT İstanbul Radio, and as a soloist in concerts within the scope of the İstanbul Festival. Additionally, he gave special concerts for associations and foundations. He participated as a guest soloist in concerts of the State Classical Turkish Music Choir (now known as the Presidency Classical Turkish Music Choir) conducted by the late Prof.Nevzad Atlig, the Great Club Classical Turkish Music Choir conducted by Taylan Kendirli, and the concerts at Pera Museum where the late Prof.Alaeddin Yavasca served as the program consultant. Prof.Ali Riza Kural has released three albums for music lovers to date: "Hayal İcinde" (İn a Dream), "Klasikler" (Classics), and "Sevdiklerimin Sevdikleri" (The Beloveds of My Beloveds).


Click here to watch the entire concert.



News Date: 28/03/2024

Last update date: 22/05/2024