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The Interim Progress and Review Meeting of the GEMSTONE Project took place

In pursuit of research excellence and strengthening collaboration between our university and Lund University, a leading academic institution in Europe, along with a non-profit organization in Italy (Fondazione ICONS), the project titled "Technological Excellence and Innovation Potential to Study Neurodevelopmental Diseases (GEMSTONE)" was initiated. Supported within the Horizon Europe (Horizon - Widera - 2021 - Access - 03) Twinning Program, this collaboration aims to enhance research excellence. The interim progress and review meeting of this project occurred on March 21, 2024.

Chaired by Prof. Filiz Onat, Head of the Department of Medical Pharmacology at our university's School of Medicine, the meeting saw participation from Serena Cogoni of ICONS, as well as project partners Prof. Deniz Kirik and Assoc. Prof. My Andersson from Lund University. Additionally, our university was represented by Prof. Eda Tahir Turanlı, Head of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Nihan Çarçak Yilmaz from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Beki Kan from the School of Medicine's Department of Biophysics, Assoc. Prof. Meltem Kolgazi from the Department of Physiology, Assoc. Prof. Levent Altintas from the Department of Medical Education, and Assoc. Prof. Ayse Melike Sahiner, all serving as project work package leaders.

During the meeting, all scientific and capacity-building activities undertaken within the project, along with encountered challenges, achieved objectives, and future plans, were presented to the evaluators of the GEMSTONE Project Progress Report: Christopher Niehaus from the Research Executive Agency and Prof. Harold Cremer from the Institut de Biologie du Developpement de Marseille.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the achievements and objectives accomplished by the project were acknowledged as successful by Christopher Niehaus and Prof. Harold Cremer, earning commendation for our university.

News Date: 28/03/2024

Last update date: 06/06/2024