Assoc. Prof. Bukem Tanoren, the Chair of the Basic Sciences Department at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, serving as the project leader, with Prof. Zuhtu Tanıl Kocagoz, the Chair of the Department of Medical Microbiology at the Medical Faculty, as advisor, and Assoc. Prof. Kadriye Kizilbey from the Basic Sciences Department and Assist. Prof. Ozgul Gok from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, participating as researchers in the project titled "Investigation of the Antimicrobial Effects of Various Quantum Dots on Standard Microorganism Strains and Laboratory Collection Strains and Imaging of the Strains with Fluorescence Microscopy," was supported within the scope of the TÜSEB Group B R&D Project Call.
We congratulate the faculty members involved in the project team and wish them continued success.

News Date: 28/03/2024
Last update date: 06/06/2024