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We Celebrated the 14th March Doctor’s Day

The event, organized by our School of Medicine, took place in our conference hall with the participation of university staff and students.

The program, consisting of two different sessions, began with the opening speech of the Dean, Prof. Nadi Bakırcı. Following his opening speech, Prof. Bakirci presented certificates to the students who made it to the dean's list. The session continued with a performance by the ACU Harmony Group, consisting of students from our university's Music Club. Under the guidance of our Vice-Rector, Prof. Irfan Guney, who supported as the advisor of the Music Club, and led by Choir Conductor Filiz Ozay, members of the ACU Harmony Group including Elvin Aliyev on piano, Emre Akay on guitar, Burcu Gul, Tarik Ziya Aykut, Aylin Odabaşı on violin, and Nupelda Azboy on cello, presented their performances. At the end of the first session, a discussion titled "Under the Same Plane Tree: Physicians Narrating" moderated by our Assoc. Prof. Fatih Artvinli from the Department of History of Medicine and Ethics of the School of Medicine, took place with valuable contributions from Prof. Yakut Irmak Ozden and Prof. Erbug Keskin.

In the second session of the program, held in the afternoon, the documentary "Memories of a Physician: The Life of Dr. Besim Omer Pasa" was followed with great interest by the audience. Following the screening, Prof. Yesim Isil Ulman from the Department of Medical History and Ethics of the School of Medicine moderated a discussion with the participation of the documentary producers, answering the audience's questions about the documentary.


News Date: 18/03/2024

Last update date: 14/05/2024