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CA 21139 COST Action IMPROVE Ethics X-over Group Istanbul Workshop

Acıbadem University hosted CA 21139 COST Action IMPROVE Ethics X-over Group Istanbul Workshop organized by School of Medicine and History of Medicine & Ethics Department and Health Sciences Graduate School Bioethics MSc Programme chaired by Prof. Dr. Yesim Isil Ulman, on 2-3 September 2024. The Istanbul Workshop has come to a successful close by creating a multidisciplinary learning environment with international colleagues who diligently, professionally interacted at keynote sessions, plenary sessions, and working group practice planned on the ethical aspects of biomedical research on animals to develop 3Rs Replace, Reduce and Refine to uphold Animal Welfare based bioethics principles, nonmaleficence & beneficence, justice, protecting biodiversity and environment. 

Istanbul Workshop has achieved its goals by valuable contributions of fourty in person participants who are biomedical researchers, health professionals, veterinarians, experts, philosophers, social scientists, scholars, and bioethicsts that interacted and enriched the scientific program designed by key notes, Q&As, working group Practice. Additionally, ten participants followed the online sessions by inserting questions and comments. We really appreciate the support of COST Action IMPROVE 3Rs to Improve the Quality of Biomedical Science (CA 21139). 

We would like to thank Prof. Nikos Kostomitsopoulos, Assoc. Prof. Simone Pollo, Dr. Aurelie Thomas, and co-Chair Dr. Augusto Vitale for their excellent talks and discussions, together with the contributions of dedicated expert participants in person and online. We are so thankful to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem Kolgazi who introduced the Workshop attendees to the Acibadem University Animal Research Center (DEHAM) in a site-visit. Special thanks go to the Organising Team, Ms. Gamze Kaya, Mr. Kaan Bicici, Ms Yagmur Kalafatoglu, the Graduate Students, led by Yesim Isil Ulman. 

News Date: 09/09/2024

Last update date: 09/09/2024