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The Issues of Research Integrity

Acibadem University Graduate School of Health Sciences hosted Prof. Dr. Julia Priess-Buchheit from Kiel University, the Vice President of the Network for Education and Research Quality (NERQ), in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Yesim Isil Ulman from the Bioethics MSc Programme. Prof. Buchheit delivered a speech about “The Issues of Research Integrity” on July 4, 2024. Many researchers, doctoral and master's students and faculty members interestedly attended the conference, and took part in the Q&A interactively.

Prof. Buchheit touched upon the research ethics problems encountered during research in the fields of biomedical sciences, health sciences and social sciences. Problems such as protection of intellectual property in scientific projects, management of conflicts of interest, impartiality and non-discrimination in the editing and refereeing processes were extensively discussed. The importance of upholding responsible conduct of research was discussed by preserving the ethical values of honesty, respect, transparency, public accountability, reliability, and trust by experience. Buchheit introduced the European Research Ethics Education Network, which was established to promote research integrity, provide education, disseminate good research values. The event ended socialising with treats of the speaker with the researchers and graduate students of Acibadem University.

News Date: 24/07/2024

Last update date: 24/07/2024