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Expert Speakers Were Welcomed in Gastronomic Discussions

In March, our Vocational School's Culinary Program hosted a series of gastronomic discussions aimed at connecting students with industry experts.

The events featured distinguished speakers, including Nilgun Yalcin with "The Future of Tea in Gastronomy," Atilla Narin discussing "The 500-Year Story of Turkish Coffee and New Generation Brewing Techniques," Aslı Eraltan on "Everything About Ice Cream," and Burcu Kolemenoglu on "The Importance of Branding in Gastronomy."

In the event titled "The Future of Tea in Gastronomy," Tea Consultant and Educator Nilgün Yalçın provided technical information on tea brewing and educated participants on the significance and future of tea in our culture.

Atilla Narin, author of the books "Anadolu'nun Kayip Kahveleri" and "Turk Kahvesi Atlası” spoke at the event "The 500-Year Story of Turkish Coffee and New Generation Brewing Techniques." He shared insights on the history of Turkish coffee, its impact on daily life, regional coffee varieties, and the correct brewing techniques for Turkish coffee.

Asli Eraltan, founder of Girandola Gelato, presented "Everything About Ice Cream," offering students a unique perspective on the industry. Eraltan discussed the founding story of Girandola Gelato, the differences between Turkish and Italian ice cream, ice cream making techniques, and various types of ice cream.

The final event in March featured Burcu Kolemenoglu, Communication and Marketing Manager at Eataly and lecturer at Yeditepe University's Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts. In her presentation titled "The Importance of Branding in Gastronomy," Kolemenoglu emphasized key concepts in branding, the importance of staying current globally, and crucial points in gastronomic branding plans. She highlighted subtopics such as brand ambassadors, brand value, trust, and emotional connection. Kolemenoglu shared a brand analysis through the example of "Noma," a Copenhagen-based restaurant frequently named the best in the world.


News Date: 28/03/2024

Last update date: 06/06/2024

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